Area of Work


HDT aims to encourage sustained economic growth for the poor by promoting entrepreneurship as livelihood, providing training in employable job skills and providing an eco-system for nurturing entrepreneurship. Promotion of sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all are the Sustainable Development Goal #8 and HDT will collaborate with partners to ensure projects are aligned to this SDG related to Livelihood

Why focus on livelihood development?


Participation of women in labour force (Labour Bureau 2022-23)


Workers in informal sector among total non-agriculture sector workers (2021-22)


Unemployment rate (2021-22)

All data sourced from NITI Aayog

Quality of instruction

Many teachers lack adequate training and support, leading to poor learning outcomes despite increased enrollment.

Infrastructure gaps

Many schools, especially in rural areas, lack basic facilities like proper classrooms, sanitation, and digital resources.

Socioeconomic inequities

Poverty, gender, and caste based discrimination create barriers to access and completion of quality education for many children.

Our approach

HDT will partner with organization that work to opportunities of   and synergize their efforts to monitor and evaluation their work as per the Government ofIndia’s National Indicator framework and reach the targets in their respective communities.

Our Impact Verticals

Promotion of Nano, micro & small enterprises

Capital and incubation support  

Training and Aids

Skills training and livelihood aids


Accessto Govt. Schemes and benefits for financial well-being

Encourage decent job creation and entrepreneurship in formal sector

Accessto financial support and information