Area of Work


HDT's Health focus area aligns with Sustainable Development Goal #3, "Good health and well-being," aiming to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages. Working within India's National Indicator Framework, HDT addresses emerging health issues such as universal health coverage and access to quality, affordable healthcare and medicines.

Why focus on healthcare?


Neonatal mortality rate (2020-21)

24% (M)
21% (F)

Prevalence of hypertension among men and women age 15 years and above (2019-21)


Malnourishment (being underweight) in children under 5  (National Family Health Survey 2020-21)

All data sourced from NITI Aayog

Quality of instruction

Many teachers lack adequate training and support, leading to poor learning outcomes despite increased enrollment.

Infrastructure gaps

Many schools, especially in rural areas, lack basic facilities like proper classrooms, sanitation, and digital resources.

Socioeconomic inequities

Poverty, gender, and caste based discrimination create barriers to access and completion of quality education for many children.

Our Impact Verticals

Reduce mortality rate

Access to primary health care & trained professionals

Prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases  

Awareness campaigns & safe drinking water and sanitation  

Promotion of mental well-being and health  

Awareness campaigns and access to information

Prevention of Malnutrition among children

Food supplements and Improving delivery of Public health systems